15 Factors to Find Out if You Can Really Grow a Beard

A long beard is trending in the male grooming industry and beard products are generating money like hotcakes. The benefits of having a beard can’t be ignored. A long beard reflects your vigorous health, good genetics, confidence and maturity. A beard can even save you from the UV rays.

What if someone is dreaming of growing a killer beard in their teenage years but end up with a clumps of short facial hair only?  Well, this may sound like a nightmare but a wide spectrum of men worldwide is living with this problem. Everyone is not born with the same hormonal growth or healthy genetics. Some people are fortunate enough to have a significant amount of facial hair just after hitting the puberty while some cross their twenty-something phase and still wait for the beard.

What Factors Decide Beard Growth?

Sometimes, the beard growth is just a matter of time, and sometimes a bunch of factors affects it. It’s very painful to see the other men of the same age growing beards healthily while you can’t. The major factors contributing to the growth of beards are –

1. Genetics

Genetics play a vital role in growing beard. If your parents have healthy genes and your dad has a good amount of facial and body hair then you will also have it. Just wait for a couple of months or years. In the case of healthy genes and balanced hormones, boys can grow facial hair after few months of puberty. In some cases, the son can receive the genes of growing long beard from any member of the family tree and not just his dad. But, the bottom line is good beard comes with good genetics.

2. Environment

What is your birthplace or where do you stay during your puberty or pre-puberty phase also decides the growth of your beard. The top countries in the world are UAE, Egypt, Germany, UK and US. The climate and lifestyle of these countries also affect the beard growth. Warm weather is the also ideal for growing beard. In the countries where people experience hot summers for many months, the beard growth is usually better than in cold nations. Also, in the hot countries, people are more active and have a better metabolism which also encourages hair growth.

3. Diet

Beard growth and diet are very much related. What you eat affects your hair growth as foods have vitamins, proteins and many other essential nutrients that encourage the growth of beard. But, the question is – what are the healthy elements that one should include in his diet? Foods that are rich in Vitamin A, B, C and E, Omega 3 fatty acids, protein and carotene are good for a healthy beard growth. When you follow a healthy dietary regime, you don’t need any pill or synthetic beard growth product to grow a full beard.

Some of the best beard growth encouraging foods are eggs, nuts, raisins, potato, gelatin, beef, fish and oranges. Healthy food and workouts should be considered during the early stage of beard growth so that the facial hair gets enough nutrients for growing rapidly. Anxiety or stress restricts the growth of beard. Regular workouts and a healthy regime can take your stress away and boost your beard growth.

4. Testosterone

There are two primary male hormones Testosterone and Dihydro-testosterone (T and DHT) that are responsible for facial hair growth. The amount of sensitivity of your body to these hormones decides the growth of your facial hair. The science behind this is that testosterone is an androgen group steroid hormone. Deep male voice, bigger male organs and denser beard and mustache are due to this growth hormone. This hormone originates from the Leydig cells in the body.    

5. Age

Different males can have a dense beard at different ages. Not everyone is lucky enough to cover their faces with a dense beard as soon as they hit puberty. Sometimes, a full grown beard is seen after the twenties and in some cases even later.

6. Growth Phases

There are three different phases for every male to grow a beard. In the first stage, a man grows a stubble beard. The second stage thickens the beard but a full beard is still not attained. In the third stage, the thickness of the beard increases but without proper grooming it may look graceless. Many men settle at the fourth stage where a significantly and stylish beard is achieved. The next stage is for supermacho men who want extend the length of their beard.

7. Know Your Beard Fortune

Your body shows enough signs after puberty about your facial hair growth. The very first facial hair may grow under your nose (newborn mustache). Some hair can also be felt under your lower lips that are nothing but the thin strands of your beard. In some men, this growth is very fast and on 15 years old, they reach the second stage of beard growth whereas some men have to wait even after their twenties to reach the first stage of beard development.

8. Hair On Other Body Parts

If the other body parts like hands, legs, underarms and scalp don’t have enough hair then it’s a sign that the growth of mustache and beard will also be poor. Also, if the hair on other body parts is very thin then the beard growth is poor.

9. Growth Rate of Hair

Haircuts are needed usually every month or so. After every haircut, you can track the growth of your hair. The time taken to regain the full hair is directly proportional to the beard growth.

10. Hair During Puberty

Usually, men experience some facial hair below the lips and nose after puberty. The amount of puberty hair is what matters. If you experience a delayed puberty or very handful of facial hair during puberty then your growth hormone is not in a great condition.

11. Sexual Interest

Men with low testosterone level experience poor sexual interest or poor libido. In such cases, anxiety and stress are also experienced.

12. Sperm Count

How can we overlook the relation of healthy sperm with manliness? If you can notice a poor sperm count after your puberty or even some years after the puberty, you may be prone to abnormal beard development.

13. Hair Loss

Poor testosterone level causes falling of hair. If you are proceeding towards baldness or facing too much hair fall every day then it’s a sign of poor beard growth.

14. Low Energy and Fatigue

Men with unhealthy testosterone soon become tired after doing very little physical activity. Fatigue is an important sign of poor beard development. If you often feel low and exhausted then you need to consult a doctor about your testosterone.

15. Chubbiness

A significant amount of mass on the face, chest and tummy since childhood is also a sign that you can’t grow a full beard. Well, this doesn’t happen in all of the cases. Many chubby people can still develop a full beard but this is usually not the case.

If you have noticed any of the above signs after your puberty then there is nothing to worry. Science has reached the sky-high levels and many effective growth hormone boosting solutions is available nowadays. If you don’t want to go for these solutions then it’s perfectly okay. Life doesn’t stop at not having a full beard or mustache.

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